Welcome to Kathryn Warner: At day, mild mannered English teacher, at night, obsessive Edward II reasearcher and blogger
Hi Kathryn, thanks for agreeing to be interviewed and being my very first guest. Hi So tell us a bit about who you are and what you do.
Thanks for inviting me to the blog,
Paula! Great to be here. I grew up in the Lake District and studied at
Manchester University, where I received a BA and an MA with Distinction in
medieval history and literature. I then
qualified as a teacher and have been teaching English in Düsseldorf, Germany
since the early 2000s. In my spare time,
I research and write my blog and Facebook page about Edward II, and do a lot of
translating – German and fourteenth-century documents written in
Anglo-Norman. I had an article published
in the English Historical Review last year about the plot of Edward’s
half-brother the earl of Kent to free him from captivity in 1330, over two
years after his supposed death.
So you are an Edward
11 enthusiast. Tell us how he came to be your favourite historical character
and how long have you been studying him?
I wrote an essay about Edward in my
second year at university, which makes me cringe to read now as I knew so
little about him back then. ;) It was some years later, in 2004, that I
really became obsessed with him and his reign.
I was reading a novel which mentioned his great-uncle Richard of
Cornwall (Henry III’s brother), and started looking up Richard’s family
online. It somehow struck me, seeing
Edward II on the family tree, how little I felt I knew about him, and I resolved
to put that right, and started reading whatever I could find about him. Within days, I was lost. It was as though I’d found what I was meant
to be doing in life, and my interest – obsession! – has continued ever since.
Edward's tomb |
What is it about
Edward that you like so much more than any other character in history? And tell
us what is the most surprising or unusual thing you have found out about him?
He was so utterly unconventional for the
time he lived in, and this fascinates me, though it exasperated his
contemporaries! He had little if any
talent as a war leader and wasn’t interested in jousting; instead he preferred
‘rustic pursuits’ such as hedging, digging ditches, thatching roofs and shoeing
horses. He enjoyed or preferred the
company of his low-born subjects: in 1315 he went rowing and swimming in the
Fens with a ‘great company of common people’, according to a distinctly
unimpressed chronicler, and there are numerous references in his household
accounts to his spending time with the low-born, such as his giving a pound to
a woman he drank with in Newcastle in 1310, watching a group of men fishing
near Doncaster in 1322, and passing the time at the wedding of Hugh Despenser’s
niece in 1326 with a servant who ‘made the king laugh very greatly’ and also
received a pound from him. He had a
great sense of humour, as well as the typical Plantagenet vile temper, and his
vivid and flawed personality comes right out of the pages of history at me 700
years later. His chamber account of
1325/26 is far and away my favourite source for his reign, full of the most
delightful little snippets of information about him, such as giving generous
sums of money to numerous people who had brought him gifts of fish, chickens
and ale as he sailed along the Thames and his staff having to buy a key for a
chest of money to replace one ‘which the king himself lost’.
You get ? hits a day on your blog about
Edward so it is obviously a very popular one. What sort of things do you focus
on in your blog about him and how difficult/easy is it to maintain regular
posts for it after 8 years?
I get between 150 and 250 hits a day
usually, though this is sometimes a lot higher – when I recently wrote a post
about historical fiction, I got several thousand visitors in a couple of
days. A lot of my visitors, I think, are
looking for information about their fourteenth-century ancestors, genealogy
being an enormously popular hobby these days.
I write biographies of the royal and noble men and women who lived at
the time, about Edward’s character and family, and about major events of his
turbulent reign and its aftermath – his imprisonment at Berkeley Castle and the
tales of his death and so on. I also
sometimes write book reviews and more light-hearted, humorous posts. Sometimes it’s a little difficult to think of
a topic every week or more often, but I always find inspiration eventually, and
still have many, many things and people I want to write about. ;)
Edward is obviously a very complex
character and a lot has been said about him in a very denigrating way, that he
was a useless ruler, a neglectful husband who cared only for his ‘male’ lovers
and hanging out with peasants. What is the worst thing that you have found anyone
has ever said about him?
I would never deny that Edward was an
incompetent king, but some of the things said about him are totally unfair and
unreasonable. One seventeenth-century
writer said he was worthy never to have been born,
which I think is a frankly evil thing to say about anyone. What perhaps upsets me most is the modern notion,
popularised by Braveheart, that he wasn’t the real father of Edward III. Several novelists have also written this
nonsense into their stories (not a shred of contemporary evidence exists for
the notion, and it wasn’t invented until 1982, in one of Paul Doherty’s
novels). It amazes me that in the twenty-first century there is still so much
contempt for Edward’s non-heterosexuality – I’ve lost count of how many
prejudiced, bigoted and unkind statements I’ve seen about him in this
respect. I once had the misfortune to
read a romance novel featuring Edward as a character, and the hatred and
revulsion the author showed for him literally made me feel ill – he was a
flabby, effeminate and repulsive worm of a man, everyone including his own
lover loathed him and he made people shudder with disgust, he didn’t give a
damn about his children and refused to pay their expenses, and he was called
‘perverted’ and ‘unnatural’ frequently throughout the novel, in a way which
made it obvious that the author was expecting her readers to share this opinion
rather than expressing the prejudices of the early fourteenth century. The way the writer gloated in her author’s
note over the ‘red-hot poker’ story of his murder in 1327 (which she presented
as fact, although it most certainly isn’t) and called it ‘ingenious’ was just
the final straw. The book was a hideous
piece of offensive bigoted nastiness and I find it astonishing that it was ever
Certain modern novelists and even
non-fiction writers, apparently in the belief that Edward II just hasn’t been
maligned enough for the last 700 years, seem to be falling over themselves to
invent new slurs to hurl at him that are based on no evidence at all. In recent years, he’s been said to have
committed ‘atrocities’ in Wales (nope, never), to have had Jewish people who
set foot in England murdered (definitely not), to have allowed his ‘favourite’
Hugh Despenser to rape his queen (not a shred of evidence), to have been
‘extraordinarily stupid’ (he may not have been a Mensa candidate, but he founded
colleges at both Oxford and Cambridge, borrowed books from a monks’ library in
Canterbury and was a cultured man who enjoyed music and plays), and to have not
cared about his children to the extent that he could barely remember their
names (the evidence strongly suggests he was actually a loving, caring
father). And there are at least four
novels I can think of where another man is put forward as the real father of
his children, although he and Isabella were certainly together at the right
time to conceive all four of them and there is absolutely no reason at all to
think that he might not have been their father (see this post here): http://edwardthesecond.blogspot.co.uk/2011/02/edward-ii-and-his-children-and-why.html
I find this extremely disrespectful, both to
Edward and to Isabella.
On your blog you try to focus on the
truth about Edward and sift through all the negative evidence about him and put
it into context. How do you find that people respond to this? Are they
interested, surprised or disbelieving when you present them with the facts?
I try not to whitewash Edward, but to
present him as honestly as possible. I
would never say that he was a good king or military leader – no king ends his
reign the way he did, or suffers as many military setbacks, without making a
long series of horrible mistakes. But
there’s far more to him and his reign than a one-dimensional disaster
sandwiched between the glorious reigns of his father Edward I and son Edward
III. I’ve been delighted with the
overwhelmingly positive response from my readers – I’d say that 99% of all the
feedback I get is supportive and interested, and yes, many people are surprised
to learn that there’s a lot more to his character and reign than they’d
thought. Although there will always be
people for whom Edward II will never be anything more than the effete gay
prince who loses at Bannockburn and gets a poker up the behind, I’d like to
think my blog and Facebook page have gone some small way to presenting a more
rounded and positive view of him.

So you live in Germany and you teach
English. What is it like to be an English girl in a foreign country? And do
your German friends know about your penchant for an English king with a
reputation for “failing” his kingdom?
I love my job here and am lucky enough
to teach fantastic people, and have always been made to feel extremely welcome
and comfortable. It’s a great place to
live. ;)
A few people know about my fascination with Edward and are pretty
indulgent about it, even if they don’t really ‘get’ it. ;)
When I look at my blog stats, Germany is fifth on the list of visitors
(after the US, UK, Australia and, surprisingly, Russia), so it seems that a few
people here are interested in Edward II too!
Apart from Edward 11, are there any
other eras that you are particularly interested in? And who would be some of
your favourite historical characters?
I love your favourite era, Paula, the
eleventh century in England, before the Conquest. I’ve been reading quite a lot this year about
Edmund Ironside, Emma of Normandy, the Godwinsons and so on, and am finding it
fascinating. They’re my favourite
historical people at the moment, after those of the early fourteenth
century. My favourite two people ever
are Edward II and Piers Gaveston.
;) I also like the thirteenth
century, the Wars of the Roses, medieval French history in general, and am keen
to learn a lot more about German history of the thirteenth and fourteenth
centuries too. Generally though, I’m
interested in all historical periods, from ancient to about 1700 – after that
it gets a bit too modern for me, haha.
9) Can you recommend any really good
Edward books?
Professor Seymour Phillips published a
magnificent biography of the king in 2010, in the Yale English Monarchs series,
which I can’t recommend highly enough.
Professor Roy Martin Haines also wrote a very good biography of Edward
in 2003, though it’s very academic, and as far as popular histories go,
Caroline Bingham’s 1973 work on Edward is excellent (though necessarily dated
now, of course). The only novels about
Edward that I would unhesitatingly recommend are Susan Higginbotham’s The Traitor’s Wife and Brenda Honeyman’s
The King’s Minions and The Queen and Mortimer. Sadly, the latter two are very hard to find
these days. There are a few other novels
about Edward and Isabella which aren’t bad either, such as Margaret Campbell
Barnes’ Isabel the Fair, Pamela
Bennetts’ The She-Wolf and Hilda
Lewis’s Harlot Queen.
Lastly, when are you going to write
that novel?
Heh! ;)
I think I’m better at writing academic articles, actually, but would
also love to write a novel about Edward and Isabella that’s historically accurate
and sympathetic to both of them.
Great answers! Thanks so much Kathryn, it's been lovely having you as my first guest. Good luck with the blog and and continue the fight to educate people to the true Edward!
Thanks sooooo much for inviting me to your blog and asking such great questions, Paula! xx
ReplyDeleteLovely post! It must be frustrating to write about someone the world loves to hate!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview, Katrhyn and Paula!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Rowan!
ReplyDeleteBluffkinghal, yes, it can get very frustrating and annoying to see the rubbish people invent about Edward...:(
Great interview. Thoroughly enjoyed reading about Kathryn's remarkable crusade to find the truth about Edward II.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Clement - so glad you enjoyed it! And the crusade continues...! :)