Well, back again after some abscence. It's really difficult keeping up with 3 blogs and writing a novel and a fulltime job, being a Mum and a reenactor. This week I have been doing my best to write posts for them all, my latest one was for my
Threads to The Past blog, the 2nd in a series of posts about the relationships between Edward the Confessor, Godwin, Earl of Wessex and Robert Champart,the Archbishop of Canterbury. Today I thought I'd just re-cap on what I've been doing over the week. I've had a terrrible bout of illness this last fortnight and am beginning to turn the corner now and getting better. Firstly a fortnight ago today I did my first booksigning in Waterstones in Crawley (see me left standing in front ot the 50 Shades of Grey!). It was a lovely event and the girls and guys in Crawley Waterstones made me feel comfortable and welcome. I managed to hand-sell 12 of the 15 books they'd ordered which I was told was very impressive for an Indie author on a not so busy day.
What followed was an awful week of feeling really unwell with some kind of kidney thing. Last week I managed to attend Wychurst, which is the site for
Regia Anglorum 's
Saxon Longhall. I had written a scenario for the wekend show which was called A Game of Thegns (a pun on the Game of Thrones series) in which an English thegn and a Danish Thegn organise a wedding to create peace between the two communities in the tense times after the death of Archbishop Alfeah at the hands of the Danish invaders. Each thegn has their own agenda and one's was not so honest. The Scenario was filmed and the links can be found at the bottom of this page. To the right is a picture of the players with me sitting on the bench with the madder tunic and green bag. Needless to say we had so much fun but scenarios are only just some of the things Regia is about.
One of the sad things that has happened this week is my daughter fleeing the coup and going odd to Kent University to do her Psychology degree. Although it is an exciting time for her, I know she is feeling out of it a bit, missing her family and her boyfriend, as we all miss her. Hopefully she will settle in soon and she will start to feel more at home. I've been trying to sort her room out today and can't really get used to the idea that she's gone, even if its only a short distance in the grand scheme of things. Not to hear her quirky little voice as she jokes and plays mischievously with me fills me with sadness. I worry about her, but I know she will be alright. We all want to keep our little birds safe, but there comes a time when you have to let them go. I pray that she will find a sense of peace and joy as she takes on her new role in life as a student. Love you my darling beautiful little girl